2024 giving statements are available here.

Do Life Together

Life Groups

Check back often to find a group in your area.

Life is more fulfilling when we do life together. Groups meet all over the city, in homes, in coffee shops or on beaches, and here at New Life. With so many Life Groups, we know there is a place for you to grow in your walk with the Lord together with other believers. Scroll to see a list of all of our Life Groups.

Fall 2023 Sessions

Headshot of Loria Burdick

Loria Burdick

Prayer Group

Wednesdays at New Life

This is a prayer group with a focus on intercessory prayer. We will have a time of fellowship, a time of teaching on intercessory prayer, then activating the teaching as we pray together as a group.


Headshot of Paul and Marion Cook

Paul & Marion Cook

Kingdom Living

2nd & 4th Saturdays – 6:30 pm at the Cook Home

This home fellowship, life group will include fellowship, sharing a light snack, worship, Bible study and prayer. We plan to explore the main topic of Kingdom Living. This group is open to men and women of all ages.


Headshot of Doug and Mercy Drelich

Doug & Mercy Drelich

Digging Deeper

2nd & 4th Thursdays – 6:45 pm at the Drelich Home

A mixture of wonderful adults from the ages of 40’s to 80’s, singles and married. We “Dig Deeper” into the service Pastor Paul preached the Sunday before. Being a part of Life Groups is about connecting to the body of Christ. It’s life, and we’re meant to live it out together.


Headshot of Barbara Gibson

Barbara Gibson

Breaking Bread

2nd & 4th Saturdays – 3:00 pm

Breaking Bread is an adult group open to all ages. This group will focus on hearing God’s voice and answering.


Headshot of Danny and Nancy Graston

Danny & Nancy Graston

Fourth Friday Fellowship

4th Friday of the month – 6:45 pm at the Graston Home

Fourth Friday Fellowship is a group of three churches that gather in a relaxed atmosphere for encouragement, Bible Study, & prayer. 


Headshot of Lisa Green

Lisa Green


2ND & 4TH Saturdays of the month – Contact for Location

This group is for singles 35 and older, to fellowship and encourage each other through life’s ups and downs. The group will fellowship twice a month with barbecues, bonfires, movies, sporting events, bowling, concerts, discussions about the scriptures and more. We will be there to help encourage and uplift, reminding one another that God is always with us and that we are not alone. 


Headshot of Anita Hyde

Anita Hyde

Biblical Citizenship

2nd & 4th Wednesdays at New Life

Together we will put feet to our prayers and become informed and active in our government. We’re going virtually to the Patriot Academy course “Biblical Citizenship” as a step toward effective engagement in the government mountain. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice. 


Headshot of Raquel Mpamugo

Raquel Mpamugo

The Wonder Years (Ages 26-39)

Wednesdays at New Life

The Wonder Years is for young, from ages 26-39. Scripture and time with the Lord sets the blueprint to build on God’s purpose and design for our lives as young adults. We will explore the heart of God together, finding answers and solutions to life’s questions while supporting each other through fellowship and good conversation. Come as you are, leave as a champion!


Headshot of Ken and Deb Nemcovich

Ken & Deb Nemcovich

Letter to the American Church

Wednesdays at New Life

We will be using Eric Metaxas’ book, Letter to the American Church, as the guide for discussion and prayer. This is a great group to meet new people while also challenging us to action as Christians in a post-Christian culture.


Headshot of Rufus and Roxie Scott

Rufus & Roxie Scott

Married 4 Life

2nd & 4th Wednesdays at New Life

We believe all healthy marriages need to be surrounded by a healthy, thriving community. We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6:30 pm to study the Bible, pray for one another and provide opportunities to hang out and build relationships. BYOB (bring your own Bible) paper and pencil.


Headshot of Jose and Sheila Trinidad

Jose & Sheila Trinidad

Hispanic Group

Wednesdays at New Life

Nos enfocaremos en cómo vivir y llevar la Palabra de Dios de acuerda a una sana perspectiva Biblica. Esudios Biblicos serán en español.


Headshot of Lisa Trotter and Amber Pena

Lisa Trotter & Amber Peña

New Life Homeschool Group

Fridays at 12:30 pm – Contact for Location

We are a Christian, peer-led support group that seeks to help meet the needs and challenges of school-aged homeschooling children and their families, by providing fellowship, support, enrichment, and social activities. The location of the meeting varies each week so please contact Lisa Trotter to confirm where they will be meeting.


Headshot of Dr. Raleigh Washington

Dr. Raleigh Washington

ONE WORD: The Cure for the Pandemic of Hurt, Hatred, and Hostility

Sundays at 8:30am

This group will explore the plethora of issues causing division in our culture (BLM, CRT, Cancel Culture, Transgenderism, LGBTQ, Abortion, Anti-Semitism, and Racism). We will define these issues, then evaluate them with the Word of God. Finally, we will discuss how to remove them and replace them with one word.


Headshot of Dale and Amber Zink and Don and Marcy Le

Dale & Amber Zink / Don & Marcy Le

Doing Life with Your Adult Children

2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

We will be reading and discussing the book “Doing Life with Your Adult Children.” We are all at different stages of walking with our adult children, whether your child is in high school or graduating high school or college. We want a group where we can connect with others in the same stage of life to learn from and advise each other with Biblical values.


Headshot of John Brooken

John Brooken

Wild at Heart+

Wednesdays at New Life

Wild at Heart is for men to grow together, embracing Godly masculinity and building brotherhood. We will explore how God created men’s hearts and our purpose in the Kingdom.


Headshot of Devin Weiss and Spencer Anderson

Devin Weiss & Spencer Anderson

Men United

1st, 2nd, & 3rd Mondays at 6:30 pm

The scripture tells us as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Men need someone to keep them accountable through relationship. Join us every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Monday in the Fellowship Hall.


Headshot of Charles Wilcox and Mike Baker

Charles WilcoX & Mike Baker

A Talk About Life – Men’s Edition

Tuesdays – 6:30 pm at the Storehouse

As men, we need a place to be ourselves, to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with each other and talk out our struggles with no judgement. This group will be a place where iron sharpens iron, where we stand by, encourage, and strengthen each other. We will take time in worship and prayer as we seek the Word to know who we are in Christ as we heal and give God glory.


Headshot of Abigail Smith

Abigail Smith

Mom Life

1st & 3rd Thursdays – 10 am at New Life

Moms, in every season of motherhood (and grandparenthood), are invited to join us as we go through the book and video series, Prophetic Personalities, by Havilah Cunnington. Sometimes we assume that God is being silent, but could it be that we just haven’t discovered how He speaks to us? Childcare is provided for infants through elementary school with registration. To register your child, text MLKidsto (904) 593-3472.


Headshot of Jan Vroegindewey

Jan Vroegindewey

Safe in the Father’s Heart

Wednesdays – 6:30 pm at New Life

This group will be focusing on Sylvia Gunter’s, “Safe in the Father’s Heart” book! Our group will be learning about our Heavenly Father’s heart of perfect love for each of us. We will also enjoy some videos by various church leaders about the times we live in.
Come be a part of our group! Currently, we have ladies 35-88 but there’s no age limits and always room for one more! Come laugh, learn, and listen as we explore the perfect love of our Father.


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